How open-endedness might foster and promote technological imagination, enterprising, and participation in education
by Rikke Toft Nørgård and Rikke Berggreen Paaskesen
Open-ended education for 21st century learning is the coming together of open-ended technology, open-ended projects, and open-ended institutions in ways that foster and promote future education for citizenship in society. The case of The Coding Pirates Future Island demonstrates how open-ended education can be practiced to foster and promote technological imagination, enterprising, and participation. This practice is then developed into a theoretical model for the concept of open-ended education as a way of and framework for practicing future education for 21st century learning with new technologies. We present an answer to the call for 21st century learning as thoroughly collaborative, communicative, creative, and critically reflective through the case and the concept of open-ended education. We outline the implications of this call for education and highlights the fact that the emphasis in bloom’s revised taxonomy on ingenuity, originality, participation, and aspiration impacts the practice of education.
This is part of a series of articles related to the project Education: The Day after Tomorrow. The research network aims to design, develop and promote innovative theories, methods and practices in 21st century education.