A brief showcase of materials and ideas
May 2017
Students and faculty researchers from the Digital Living Research program at Aarhus University ‘performed’ the Museum of Random Memory at the Aarhus Festival of Research in April 2017. Held in a vaulted central hall on AU’s main campus, the festival was filled with demonstrations and talks. To compete with the more “hard” science neuropsychologists, mathematicians, chemists, and biologists, we promoted MoRM as a “mind lab”, aided by the visual cue of our white lab coats (hacked with duct tape labels on the sleeves).
Rather than a repeat of the most recent exhibition/intervention of Museum of Random Memory, held for two days a month earlier at the CounterPlay Festival, we offered four discussion and demonstration stations where visitors could explore why MoRM is a critical data literacy intervention. Students and graduates of the AU Digital Living masters program designed the event, which focused on surveillance through website tracking, future data degradation, personal big data, dubious corporate ethics, like unreadable Terms of Service, and how memory making links to data in the digital age.
<iframe style=”width:700px;height:425px” src=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/online.anyflip.com/dejy/bafc/index.html” seamless=”seamless” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowtransparency=”true” allowfullscreen=”true” ></iframe>
This is part of a series of projects emerging from the Creating Future Memories project at Aarhus University. Creating Future Memories is a citizen-focused effort to identify and foster ongoing and new creative methods of regaining control of the ‘big data’ we regularly produce in our everyday lives.