Post Production Summer Workshop at Moesgaard Museum

by Viktor Baskin Coffey

July 10-12, we host a followup workshop, where participants from VCM 2016 return to Aarhus to dive back into the data collected for Northside 2015. Here, we embrace and continue to talk about what it means to conduct ‘messy’ ethnography of digital materialities across a number of scenes of culture.

The workshop involves junior scholars scholars who are based all around the world. We gather both physically and virtually to work with this data. Annette Markham, Sarah Pink, and Anne-Marit Wade begun the VCM group as a PhD workshop in 2015 to experiment with how we might evaluate large-scale, lived experiences like the Northside Music Festival. Our ambition is to create a platform for the continued discussion of how we organise and make sense of the seemingly endless streams of images, sounds, and fragments of both physical and digital information that characterize and constitute contemporary social life. This workshop involves presentations of post production video, discussions, and bringing additional provocations to the table.

Location: Moesgaard Museum, Department of Visual Anthropology

Facilitators: Viktor Baskin Coffey and Devrim Aslan Umut Other

Onsite participants: Sarah Pink, Annette Markham, Debora Lanzeni, Karen Waltorp, Katrin Tiidenberg


This is part of a series of articles by members of the Visuality, Culture, & Methods PhD summer schools. Developed by Media Studies Anne Marit Waade (Cultural Transformations Research Unit, Aarhus University); Sarah Pink (Digital Ethnography Research Center, RMIT, Australia), and Annette Markham (Digital Living Research Commons, Aarhus University), this PhD school is held bi-annually, typically at Aarhus University in Denmark. Occasionally, the course travels and is conducted by guest professors.

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