We meet again in 2017. But since time is relative and we are transgressive, we will meet in March 2018 (date to be determined), in beautiful Klitgaarden Refugium, Skagen, Denmark for the annual Skagen Conference. We invite PhD students or early professionals from diverse disciplines, who want to explore creative media practice as ethnographic research methodology, to join.
March 2018 (specific week TBD).
Klitgaarden, Skagen, Denmark
13 participants + 2 facilitators
This week long workshop/meeting/retreat/PhD course is open for artist-researchers and researcher-artists seeking to learn more about how to cross disciplinary boundaries, transgress their own boundaries, and move their work or mindset to a different level. We invite Professor and artist Dalida Maria Benfield as guest facilitator. She is founder of the institute for (IM)possible subjects and founder/facilitator of the transnational arts/intervention project Migratory Times. At the Skagen Conference, she will draw attention to how the concept of migration can help us consider the politics, concerns, and possibilities for troubling and transgressing typical knowledge migration. This is particularly useful for PhD students and early career researchers to consider the fundamental purpose of inquiry in what Isabelle Stengers has labeled “Catastrophic Times. The official announcement and call for participation will open November 15, 2017 for submissions. Registration is limited to 13 participants.
Read more about the the history of the Skagen Institute and the annual conference here.
Annette spends a lot of her intellectual energy interrogating research methods for studying networked culture. She also researches how identity, relationships, and cultural formations are constructed in and influenced by digitally saturated socio-technical contexts.
Dalida produces video, installations, archives, artists’ books, workshops, and other pedagogical and communicative actions in her research-based artistic practice. Her research engages questions of gender and the geo-politics of knowledge in the work of contemporary digital media artists and activists.